Whoa, this is crazy cool! Welcome, we're the Greenman family! Since starting this journey one year ago, we knew we wanted to document this adventure someway, somehow. We originally thought we'd do Youtube and then we realized the insane amount of work that goes into making a single video (major kudos to all YT creators out there). We felt like we HAD to document every moment of every day, and found ourselves viewing America through our screens. That didn't sit well with us. I don't even think we completely edited one long form video before we said enough was enough. Then there's Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, but so much life gets left out of a 60 second clip. More importantly, all three of those platforms could be gone tomorrow, erasing our videos forever. We wanted something a little more permanent. I am by no means an author, however, documenting this journey is extremely important to us. One day, Rick and I will be gone and our girls will only have their memories. Our hope is to not only create a childhood full of wonder and adventure, but to also leave behind a map that will, maybe one day, help our girls remember the incredible times we had. With doing so, we hope you'll follow along!
Life isn't always great. In fact, it's full of heartbreak, suffocating grief, fear, anxieties, and illness. We can either choose to sit in our sorrows, succumbing to depression, and essentially give up on life, or we can choose to truly live. Life dealt us some back-to-back traumatic experiences that truly emphasized the important things in our life. We decided we were done with the stress that came along with owning businesses in a declining economy, done with the rat race, and fed up with working our butts off in the hopes of taking one vacation a year. Life had become stale, and we needed fresh air and new views. Two roads had diverged for us and we decided to take the path less traveled. We sold most of our belongings, rented out our house, bought an RV, and we hit the road. It has been a wild ride ever since and we can't wait to share it with you!
Thank you so much for joining us on this journey!